Faces of MLK

Meet Deborah Stroud.

“I came to MLK after not having insurance. I called MLK and they have been an absolute godsend. This place is so wonderful, I cannot even express- everyone who works here is so loving and giving. I don’t know how I could have made it without it. To be able to come here and know that these people can give you what you need, and you don’t have to give any money and they don’t ask for anything and just come here with open arms is unbelievable.

I hate to leave MLK, but I want someone to be able to take my place and be able to get the help that I was given when I was down and out and didn’t think that anyone could help me.

I want to tell people not to give up and I hope they learn about MLK and know that they can come here and get medicine. They have a garden out here, they give you fresh fruits and vegetables, they give you medicine and goodie bags, and loving arms. What more could you ask?”

Meet Allison.

“I’ve been coming to MLK for about three years now. I first learned about MLK from Dr. Gibson when I discovered I made too much money to qualify for Medicaid but not enough to pay for health insurance. My health insurance would be $800 a month plus $1,100 a month for my medication, even using a GoodRx discount card. That was more than I made in one month!

MLK is important to me because of the availability of the medication. Without MLK, I would not be able to afford my medication. I’ve always had good experiences at MLK. When you say “free clinic,” many people make you feel like you are at a free clinic, but here at MLK, they treat you very well. I love the classes they offer. They are so fun! I went through the Diabetes Self-Management Class and enjoyed talking with Grey and getting all my questions answered.

I want to tell everyone that MLK is a great service. I recommend it all the time to people I meet through my job.”

Meet Lizeth Espinosa.

Lizeth has struggled with high blood pressure for years. But with no insurance and limited income she had no where to go for help…until she was referred to MLK. She enrolled as a patient in 2016 and has called MLK her health home ever since.

Since enrolling as a patient, Lizeth has learned to manage her high blood pressure. She feels more in control of her health because of the education she receives from her providers at MLK. She knows her blood pressure numbers and how her food and exercise affect those numbers. She loves that her care is comprehensive and allows her to get her annual well-woman exam and mammogram here as well.

Lizeth knows there are a lot of people in our community that have diabetes and high blood pressure but cannot afford insurance. She encourages those without insurance to call MLK. They can come here and see a doctor, get labs, learn about their nutrition.

Meet Barbara Richardson.

“MLK means everything. It has been a life saver. Everyone is so nice. If there’s anything they can do to help you, they will. I might start crying. I love Mrs. Sue. I love everyone here. You come here and never have a bad day. I come here and get treated. I can ask any questions and they give you answers.

MLK is a great place to come. Patients at MLK will get the help they need. They will get helpful information. MLK taught me things (about my condition) that no one ever explained to me. I tell everyone who needs help to come here.”

Meet Mayela.

Mayela has diabetes. After losing her insurance coverage, Mayela medication was going to cost her $400 a month. Luckily she had heard about MLK and knew she could turn to us for help.

Mayela says MLK helps keep her alive. Every time she comes here, she says she learns something new and always has a great experience.

Mayela will tell you MLK “really cares about our health, and they don’t hesitate to tell us what we need to do to get our health in check.”

Mayela would like to thank the sponsors who help keep MLK open and available to the community

Meet Vickie.

Vickie enrolled in our Community Pharmacy program about two years ago after her Medicare plan timed out. At that point, she could no longer afford her medications. One of her prescriptions was over $200 alone. There was no way she would be able to afford her medications on her own

After enrolling in our Community Pharmacy program, we were able to provide most of her medications at no cost to her. If you are struggling to afford your medications, call us today. As Vickie said, “we would do everything we can to help.”

*While we are dedicated to delivering pharmacy services to uninsured patients, The MLK Community Pharmacy has a limited formulary and can only dispense medications a patient is eligible to receive.

Meet Guadalupe.

Guadalupe has been coming to MLK for about four years now. He first learned about MLK through a friend when he began looking for a new healthcare provider after his previous healthcare center closed.

MLK helps Guadalupe manage his diabetes by teaching him how to eat healthier and providing him with his medications.

Guadalupe expressed his appreciation for the clinic workers, who treat him like a person and take the time to listen and talk with him. He says MLK treats you like a friend. They tell you when your numbers are good and celebrate you.

Meet Lory.

Lory first met the MLK team at a health fair she attended at work. During the health fair, Lory found out she had high cholesterol after doing a quick blood test at our booth.

MLK quickly enrolled her as a patient and began treating her high cholesterol. She’s been one of our patients for four years now. (And she always brings a smile and word of encouragement!)

Lory says MLK is essential because they help people who don’t have health insurance or the finances to afford it. She is appreciative because, without MLK, she says she wouldn’t have her cholesterol in check.

One of her favorite things about MLK is that it’s more than just a clinic. She admires the beautiful murals painted all over the clinic and the extra goodies she gets at her visits, such as greeting cards. Lory enjoys our cooking demonstrations, especially after completing fasting blood work!

Lory would like to encourage everyone to get involved with MLK if they are thinking about it.

Meet Janice Hill.

Janice was first introduced to MLK when she ran into some of our team members on the St. Luke’s van at Hope Connections. Janice was part of the effort to get more women-centered services at Hope Connections. Before MLK, Janice was not receiving regular healthcare services.

MLK is important to Janice because, without Dr. Wissing, Janice says she would not be breathing. She noted previous doctors didn’t take the time to listen, but Dr. Wissing took his time to work with her and still keeps up with her today. Janice had facial reconstruction, which damaged her breathing. MLK also helps her with her diabetes and other underlying conditions.

MLK has always truly cared about me, Janice says. Other places have not cared for her or taken the time to listen. Janice tells us her favorite memory is the first time she met the MLK team and the passion and concern she felt from them. She spoke about her time being semi-homeless and the genuine love she felt from the MLK team that day.

She would like to let people know that “I love MLK! They are the best doctors and nurses in Shreveport.”

Meet Deloris Tucker.

Deloris first started receiving pharmacy services from MLK in 2017. At that time, she had just lost her Medicaid status…and her ability to work because of her new dialysis treatment.

MLK is important to Deloris because, without it, she would not be able to afford her medications. But MLK provides Deloris with more than just pharmacy services.

They provide her with exercise and nutrition classes. Deloris enjoys attending the classes when she can.

Deloris says MLK is a good place for people to come. Wonderful people are working here, and they are understanding and listen to you and try to help you as much as they can.

Meet Gloria Lattin.

Gloria started coming to MLK in 2009. At this point, she says MLK is like family. We agree! Gloria struggled with uncontrolled asthma when she first starting coming to MLK Health. We enrolled her in Dr. Wissing’s Respiratory Clinic. Dr. Wissing not only helped her get her asthma under control, he taught her how to live well with her condition.

She was an early participant in our Diabetes Prevention Program. Gloria enjoyed the curriculum because it challenged her to change her habits but never pushed her to make changes she wasn’t ready for. She is also a regular at our free exercise classes (currently canceled due to COVID).

If you’re uninsured and struggling to find help, Gloria encourages you to call MLK. She knows it can be discouraging when you’re sick and uninsured, but MLK is here to help. And if MLK can’t help, we can help you find the resources you need.