World Diabetes Day
It’s World Diabetes Day!
November 14th is World Diabetes Day. Did you know that approximately 521,294 people in Louisiana have diabetes, according to the American Diabetes Association? It’s considered a growing epidemic in Louisiana.
In honor of World Diabetes Day, we put together a few short videos to walk you through what happens in the body to cause diabetes, ways we can exercise in our home or office to reduce our risk or live well with diabetes, and how to make better carb choices to keep our blood sugar under control.
Did you know we offer free Diabetes Self-Management Classes, as well as, free Pre-diabetes Classes? Email Jordan to learn more: [email protected].
Diabetes Demo
What does it mean to have diabetes? What’s happening in the body to cause excess sugar in the blood? Check out Grey’s 3 minute demo video on what it means for your body to struggle with diabetes.
Get Moving
Lori Panu of Be the Light Fitness LLC stopped by to give us some tips on how to stay active throughout the day. The CDC recommends at least 30 minutes of physical activity most days of the week to reduce the risk for diabetes. Check out this one minute video from Lori to learn how you can stay active throughout the day!
Carb Sources
Doctors often recommend diabetic patients avoid carbs. But what does that mean? Grey put together this 3 minute video to walk us through different carb sources and how to make smarter carb choices.